The truth of the matter is, -is that it happened. It had never occured to me of the campabilities of it all. I never wanted to see what happened. No one, no one, should have have to experience the things you did. I can not imagine, I can not compare, words can not describe, the challeneges you have gone through. Its hard to say, that we, -I have to face the fact that it really did happen.
Truth is, I never thought this could have happened. My dear, Dear Friend, how things are not the same without you. We are still too young. Life is just starting to bloom at twenty-one.. Love was never there, and we have not found Love. We were suppose to find it together, and make this life worthwhile. Truth is, I will miss you. I will miss you my dear, Dear Friend.
To whom it may concern:
-Your sense of ignorance, and egoism, will rot with you til the day you leave this place. I dispise you, never can I find it in me to forgive you for the things you have done. Regardless of the pittiness you crave, or the sympathy you try to give.. I will look upon your face with no mercy, at which you brought this upon yourself. Better yet, I will give you the good in me, and tell you; take this as a lesson you selfish bastard. Live each day like its your last knowing you took someone's breath away. Live with the maddness and uncontrolable guilt inside your guts until it eats you alive.